[AAA] MARPE Diplo Conference: Developing a European perspective on Public, Organisational and Civic Diplomacy


Lisbon, Portugal – 31/05/2021 & 01/06/2021

The rationale of the MARPE Diplo project is to address from a communication perspective an emerging field – public, corporate, organisational and civic diplomacy – situated at the intersection of different scientific domains such as communication sciences, international relations and political sciences. Its aim is to develop a theoretical framework, a European body of knowledge and an epistemic community in order to discuss the role of communication in the so-called “new forms” of diplomacy.

The MARPE Diplo project was developed in order to empower social responsibility, civic consciousness and highlight the importance of communication strategies and processes in contemporary society and in current global socio-political events in general, and within the diplomacy field in particular.

With the intent of building a European body of knowledge by exploring this emerging phenomenon, this conference is looking for paper submissions that map and frame public relations, communication, diplomacy, strategy and political theory and practice processes across a range of contexts, cultures and countries.

Empirical papers and reflective essays developed from a European perspective are welcomed, especially focusing:

  1. The importance of power in diplomatic contexts, in war and in peace times.
  2. Building and reinforcing peace: ethics, diplomacy and communication.
  3. Intelligence, diplomacy and communication: organization, method and outputs.
  4. From diplomacy to public diplomacy: what is diplomacy, what is a diplomat? What is the role of communication in diplomacy?
  5. Case-studies of public diplomacy.
  6. Corporate diplomacy and organisational diplomacy: what is corporate diplomacy? What is organisational diplomacy? What is a corporate or organisational diplomat? What is the role of communication in corporate and organisational diplomacy?
  7. Case-studies of corporate diplomacy and organisational diplomacy.
  8. How can communication empower civic participation and civic movements in international arenas?
  9. Reflections on civic diplomacy.


  • 15 December 2020: deadline for the submission of a structured abstract (purpose, method, findings, implications, main contribution) with up to 250 words, in English.
  • 05 January 2021: deadline for decisions over submitted abstracts.
  • 01 March 2021: deadline for the submission of the complete paper.

Information for authors:

  • Papers must be written in English. Text clarity and quality will be essential.
  • Papers must include an abstract up to 250 words. Three to five keywords must be included with each abstract.
  • Papers length: 5.000 to 7.000 words.
  • Papers must be submitted using APA style norms (6th edition).
  • Authors must submit two files in .doc, .docx or .rtf formats: 1) cover letter with title, abstract, keywords, author(s) bio notes (up to 200 words), institutional affiliation and contacts (please provide corresponding author indication); and 2) main paper without author(s) information to ensure blind review.
  • Both files must be sent as email attachment in .doc, .docx or .rtf formats to the following email: conference@marpenetwork.eu.

Format: Times New Roman, 12 | Spacing 1,5 | Justified text | Links are only presented in the bibliographic section. | Avoid endnotes and end page notes. | Bold must only be used in titles.

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